Getting Through The Holidays Doesn’t Have To Suck
I hope everyone’s been having a safe and healthy holiday. I know many can deal with so many emotions around this time and it’s not just around food and working out.
If you’re new to my articles, I’m a personal trainer and nutrition coach so I mainly focus on helping people reach their health goals and obtain better habits. Check out my other articles if you want more insight on how to make progress in your fitness journey.
Back to this article, though.
We already have our own problems to deal with so the last thing we want is people getting into our business as if they know what they are talking about when they make unsolicited comments. People are too confident these days when they decide to say something to you and it turns out that they are way off, but they’re not going to want to face that they’re wrong.
How The Holidays Can Feel
The holidays add more people into our lives which means more stress. There are a lot of gatherings going on, and this “free-spirited” vibe you feel you have to conform to. If you’re still carrying your good habits throughout this time and trying to stay on track, you’re looked at as if there’s something wrong with you when it’s actually the opposite.
So I wanted to talk to you about how to approach this unfortunate series of events. I’m mostly focusing on fitness and nutrition because as a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I know a lot of people who are on their health journey go through a lot of anxiety at this time. It is almost as if these people are the main targets at the dinner table when really, the unsolicited comments are a reflection of the person making them.
The following are comments you may come across when you’re around people who just don’t get it.
“Come on just have some, it won’t hurt!”
No thank you, I rather take some to go than feel stuffed and uncomfortable. I have experience in learning how much I need to eat to feel good and satisfied.
“_______ is on a diet, that’s why they won’t eat that or as much!”
Eating mindfully and healthily doesn’t mean I’m on a diet, and even if I am, is that really a bad thing? Is it a bad thing that I’m trying to take care of my health? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
“Are you going to work out tomorrow and try to burn all this off?”
I am going to work out because it’s a routine of mine, not because I want to burn off this food. I can enjoy eating this and continue my routine of working out.
“Did you work out today so you can eat today?”
I did work out today because it’s part of my routine and a good habit to have, not because I want to make room to eat today.
As big as the fitness industry has become, there are still people who are not familiar with those who have conquered making a habit of working out and eating healthy. It’s a routine and not a coping method when you’re struggling with food or feeling physically off. However, the general population still looks at it as a coping strategy that isn’t healthy. They go through this hamster wheel of eating and then trying to burn off and that’s no way to live.
I’ve come to the conclusion that some people just.don’ and you should leave it at that for your own peace and sanity. If they can get away with not understanding where you’re coming from, then you can get away with coming to the conclusion that they’re on their own path and you’re on your own path. You’re doing what’s best for you and it’s nobody’s business.
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